Record. Analyze. Strategize.

Understand your numbers


Hi, I’m Shaira!
I help business owners fix their financial books and make them understand what their numbers are telling them.
With my experience in E-commerce, investment, and insurance industries, I can help you with the financial aspects of your business so you will have more time and energy to focus on growing your revenue efficiently.
When not thinking about numbers and facing spreadsheets, I bake pastries and give them away to people who are willing to eat them. Also, I’m a chocolate and coffee addict.
Let’s work together!


Do you know the current financial status of your business? Are you facing challenges in...

> Handling Bookkeeping Deliverables
> Monitoring Your End-to-End Accounting Activities
> Identifying Areas and Aspects That Are Affecting Your Business's Profitability and Growth
> Understanding and Knowing your Numbers
Let me help you keep track of your business's financial health by doing this simple workflow solution:

Using this, I can help you in the following aspect:


Let me help you in your end-to-end accounting activities including but not limited to…


Save Time and Money and let Me Handle Your Bookkeeping deliverables such as…


Let me help you identify aspects that are affecting your business’s profitability and growth by…


"Wish I had hired you a few years ago"
"'re doing an amazing job. Best hire we have made"
Murray S.
Owner and CEO
"Excellent idea.. this is very much what we need"
Lizete F.
CEO and Owner, Silk Lengths
"Shaira is an absolute expert in her field and produces top-notch work at a rapid pace.
Her analytical skills and communication are beyond expectations and can easily handle any project that is presented to her."
Peter Q.
Founder, Odylic Media
"Shaira knows her tasks and delivered results based on what is expected of her.
The quality of her output is complete and well done."
Jennifer F.
Owner, TPFG Inc.


Data Science
Quickbooks Certificate

Contact Us

Office Address
Purok Uno, San Ricardo, Talavera, Nueva Ecija
Email Address
Phone Number
To book an appointment